Friday, November 27, 2009

The Smart College Student

When it comes to college life, saving money is the name of the game.  As a part-time student and full-time Financial Analyst, I have some quality strategies that can help you save enough money in college if you apply them to the real world. Those who save, and know how to invest are those that can retire early, and enjoy the simple things in life.

Always use coupons
I know it’s not cool to use coupons, but if it saves you $5, or more on each purchase, you’ll probably use it. Consider items such as the Entertainment book, as well as check out the local newspaper for coupons that you can use on purchases such as eating out, clothing, as well as groceries.

Avoid eating out
 Eating out is expensive, and if you can avoid things like this, you can save a load of money each month. You’ll also want to avoid the cheaper foods such as McDonald’s as well that aren’t really healthy for you. You can cook very good meals that are super cheap too.

Avoid the labels
College isn’t about being “cool”. No one cares what you look like, and what you wear. A $75 shirt isn’t going to get you far. If you have the mindset that a shirt is a shirt, you will find that you can stretch your dollar very far. Consider shopping at the local Goodwill, or hitting up one of the clearance racks at your favorite store.

Use your student discount
Yes, you can get a ton of student discounts. You can save on things like airfare, and more. Check out a post I did a few months back showing you what you can save on as a student.

Buy used
If you’re going to go out and buy something, you can probably most likely buy it used. From video games, to your shoes. Browse places like eBay, and more to see how much you can save as a student. If you think used, before new, you can save a lot, trust me on this one.

Watch your driving
When you have a car on campus, you may be tempted to use it while being bored. Try and limit your driving, and consider going to other places near campus, rather than driving a few miles away. Gas can get expensive! 

Budgeting takes discipline, and a plan. If you have these two factors, you can save money, I promise you. Make it into a habit, and see how far your money can take you!

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